David Hilgier Photographs


L train near Logan Square

2024.03.22 – 2024.03.28

I’ve been to Chicago a handful of times in my life. A few visits to stay and a few as a stopping point between destinations. The most recent, a week exploring the city for our spring break. A continual cold like I’m not used to in Denver accompanied the majority of our time. An eclectic, diverse and intriguing city stretching from its seemingly monolithic core to its more quirky and inviting neighborhoods provided a warm contrast to the blustery early spring days.

Metra Bridge With Worn Typography
North Pulaski Fresh Market
Complete Auto Service
Blossoms at the Chicago Botanic Garden
Chicago Botanic Garden
Chicago Botanic Garden Orchids
Chicago Botanic Garden Orchids
Chicago Water Taxi Under the Lake Street Bridge
DuSable Bridge
Views from the Chicago Riverq
Constant Wonder and Intrigue
Beneath the City
Bodega Product Price Hand-painted Signs
Al Gators Prime Cut Barber Van
Qing Xiang Yuan Dumplings
Chinatown Patterns
May Flower Dim Sum Chicago
Vignette of the L
Gaslight Coffee Roasters
The L from Above 1
The L from Above 2
The L from Above 3
The L from Above 4
Clark/Lake L Station
Heat Lamps at an L Station in the Loop
Sky Ride Tap Sandwiches
Underneith the L
L Entrance
Boni Vino Pizza
Chicago Theatre Marquee
Chicago Theatre Marquee Letters
City of Chicago Fire Department Engine 43 Ambulance 3
State Street Bridge
Chicago Flag in the Wind
Chicago Board of Trade from the La Salle Bridge
Marina City
875 North Michigan Avenue
The Concrete Beach
North Avenue Beach Lifeguard Station

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